WELCOME TO THE New England Industry Liaison gROUP

NEILG is a non-profit trade association providing assistance in the Affirmative Action (AA) and EEO professional development of its members.

The New England Industry Liaison Group (NEILG) was established in 2001. The NEILG has been growing ever since with members participating in practice-focused seminars and networking with peers practicing Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) and Diversity and Inclusion (D&I). The NEILG promotes nondiscrimination, equal access, and equal opportunity in the workplace. By hosting information events and fostering an engaged membership network, the NEILG assists New England companies design and implement “federal contractor” compliance and diversity initiatives that ensure a diverse workplace.


The NEILG promotes equal access, nondiscrimination, and equal opportunity in the workplace. By hosting information events and fostering an engaged membership network, the NEILG assists New England companies design and implement “federal contractor” compliance and diversity initiatives that cultivate a diverse workplace.


Provide a forum for listening, supporting, and encouraging each other as HR professionals to promote effective EEO/AA and D&I strategies in the workplace

Develop and sponsor informative and timely programs that support our MEMBER'S efforts to foster inclusion in the workplace

Forge dynamic relationships with the Office of Federal CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Programs (OFCCP), Equal Employment OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION (EEOC), and other federal regulatory agencies to provide additional insights into EEO/AA best practices

Meetings / Coffee & Chat Sessions 

(every 3rd Thursday of the month from 9:00 - 9:30)

our Meetings are a great way to meet colleagues who share your challenges! 

Webinars and seminars include updates by OFCCP and EEOC, input on National ILG activities, AND presentations by legal and other experts, including “nuts and bolts” presentations on issues affecting your EEO/AA and D&I practice.